Have you ever wondered what a tree sees and experiences in its lifetime?
Trees are grounded spiritual beings who hold ancient wisdom from observing the cycles of life. They are open-hearted enjoy helping others like birds, wildlife, and insects.
These wise teachers love sharing their knowledge and they can be quite poetic. A tree once told me Trees are the real poets of the world, not humans. The Tree mused it loves whispering into the ears of poets.
Besides cleaning the air we breathe, Trees provide many different beings shelter and food in their trunks and outspread branches. Their roots drink in the energy of Mother Nature which supports the canopy of branches and leaves.
A friend sent me this interesting video of a tree and its visitors throughout the course of a year. It’s enlightening and fascinating to see how important trees are to all species who depend on them, including humans.
As you can see, this tree has observed a lot in a year. Can you imagine what Giant Sequoia or Redwood Trees have witnessed in their lifetime?