Kind Words of Praise

I help pets anywhere in the world, empowering them and you to feel good about your life, relationship, and health.

My pony, Sam was a LOT more relaxed yesterday after receiving distant Reiki from you. It's amazing what a difference Reiki has made to help him calm down and relax after being so spooked and ungrounded.
Susan G.
Hi Cathy: Thank you again for the wonderful consultation you did for Cleo and me. After we got off the phone, I let little Fiona out of her room and she started looking at me and studying my face. Then she laid down next to me and took a long nap. Since the consultation, she is more responsive. We got word about her feline leukemia test and it came back negative so that is good news. She is a very healthy cat. Blessings,
Thank you very much for your help this morning in communicating with Sumi, Sammy, and Anissa. It was very interesting to see Sammy's reaction during the consultation and after. While we were discussing him, he was very active in the room. Afterwards, it was quite remarkable. He settled down on the couch between me and Charlie allowed Charlie to pet him for quite some time. He had a long long long petting & chatting session and we could tell he was with us 100%. He has never allowed us to do that before. He was purring up a storm, making muffins, and was very very content. It was wonderful. Thank you for sharing your gift and helping us help our babies
N.B. and C.B. along with Sumi & Sammy & Anissa & Callie & Magic & Quozo
Thank you so much for the lovely card and the poems. They are very comforting, and we appreciate your thoughts and care. It has been extremely difficult, but we are muddling through. We really appreciate your help with the process, and know that it made it easier.
J. T.
Thanks for you sweet card, brochure, and newsletter! Thank you also for your prayers, I think they're working. Your counseling has given me a profound change of heart. The key word is "unconditional love." You said to look for progress, not perfection- but I won't even insist on progress: that's up to her! All I'll do is love her, no matter what.
R. S.
Cathy, Thank you so muck for being there! I'm going to love another puppy (Border Collie black, and white) like my beloved Heidi in April when they arrive. I pray it can be me sweet love returned to me, if not her, I know she is sending this little girl to me.
Cathy, Tootsabelle and I wish to thank you extremely for your kind words--"My Little Kitty in the Shy" would make a cute song or children's book, wouldn't it? Blessings for all the wonderful work you're doing! Know Wolf is happy you carried forth his message. Perhaps there will be one from the Factory Farms Animals to enlighten those that need to be!
L. M.
Thank you so much for your help with Java and Tonka during our move. I was so worried! Both cats breezed through the move with hardly a hint of anxiety. It was as if they didn't want to cause any more trouble -they stayed in and calm and pretty much kept to themselves. I remembered what you said about Java wanting a time limit of two weeks in the new home before being let out, however, I was inclined to keep him in a bit longer when a carpenter accidentally left a door open and he was out and gone. I didn't panic and I sent him "messages" that it was okay that he was out but that he needed to come home when it got dark. Just as the sun was setting he strolled in! Thanks Cathy. I know it was your conversation with them that made the difference.
D. S.
THANK YOU! For being such a good friend and support and guiding light during our "crisis." We could not have landed on "our" feet without you! Your support, love & encouragement have been very precious to us-and, as always, your gifted presence! You are gifted!!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being our friend.
K. C.
New York
Thank you for your words of support & insight and for giving us a better understanding of Kujo's desires. We had a nice brunch where all her old friends (&ex-roommates) came over, then Heidi and I had some moments with her, lit some candles, etc & the vet aided her departure. 20 minutes later the Blue Angels started their show-thank Goddess!!
J. S. & H. V.
Dear Cathy, My mom & I want to thank you a whole bunch for visiting with us last Friday. You're a tough cookie (and) you were very nice making me feel very, very special! My mom and I are working a lot better because now we understand each other better. My mom said that I'll see you in a few months for a follow-up visit. I am really excited and looking forward to seeing you again… With lots of Emme kisses and best wishes,
Dame Emme & Mommie
Cathy, It was wonderful to meet you! Thank you for validating my truth!! Four kittens are playing in kitchen!!
A. C.
I want to thank you for your willingness to utilize your talents and gifts to help people like me to better understand the little animal that is living in my house with me. The session with you has profoundly changed the nature of my relationship with Redkin. Thank you for helping to translate animals' language. I now better understand the parameters that define a dog's life. With Sincere gratitude,
Hi Cathy—Just wanted to let you know that Tosh started eating a few days after we talked. He has since recovered. Not sure how...it feels like a miracle. I am thrilled to have him back to his old Kingly Self minus a few pounds. Thanks for everything.
A.D. & Tosh
Thank you for the reading. I feel fantastic! I love how I was able to 'hear' or lend a voice to my great companions. I think you provide a wonderful service and I am thankful that I discovered animal communication. I know there are many out there who do not know that such services exist. By lending a voice to our animal companions we can better understand them, which is exactly what you did for me. Words cannot describe how thankful I am.
​Thanks so much Cathy for sharing your time, gift and wisdom with my dog and me today :). I know she really enjoyed the reading, as did I. I’m so glad to know these things about her. Warm regards,
Thanks for your Animal Communication Level I Class. I came home and sat on the floor, eyes closed, with my dogs, Buck and Lucy. Buck has a sore paw and he finally let me look at, and handle it after I explained I didn't want to hurt him, just take a look -- nothing serious, no blood, I'm thinking bruised, probably hurt it in a digging frenzy. Lucy was very, very excited and was all over me, giving me kisses (normally she reserves her kisses for men), and licking my ear. Thanks again for everything. I promised Buck a chance to explore, so I'd better get ready, he and Lucy are waiting for me.
​Cathy, thank you so very much for speaking with Jess and me on Saturday. It helped me tremendously. I just needed to know that she was o.k. and that I would get to see her again. While I am still very upset over her loss, a huge weight has been lifted since speaking with you and her.I look forward to speaking with you again,
Many hugs back to you for your help in taking Lucky and my relationship to a whole different level.
Terry H
Pleasant Hill, CA
Hi Cathy, Whatever you said to our little Sobek Ra really worked. He has consistently asked to go outside when he needs to urinate or defecate. Only twice did he do something in the house and it was when we were away for a few hours. He hasn't had any poop hanging off of his face so I assume he isn't eating it. And we are keeping him in third place with treats, etc. So thanks again for your excellent work. I gave your cards away and would appreciate getting more to give to my clients. I have given your phone number to several more, but I think the cards really work best.
San Rafael, CA
Thank you for all of your help with Buster and Toshe, and our pending new feline addition, Cortez. Both Pamela and I are so grateful for your commitment to us and our animal family! Thank you!!!!
Michael D.
San Francisco, CA
Hi Cathy, I wanted to send you a special thank you for your help with Emma in Benicia. It was difficult and absolutely not a moment too soon with this rain. Bruce took care of her with Sarah and the vet. She was typical Emma and not too cooperative (as you said), but we were all a team!. It was pretty amazing.We are now going through the transition of missing Emma. Bruce had a visit from Emma with overwhelming gratitude for her freedom. It was really special to him. Thank you again for helping Emma and us through this process. You are a gifted Spirit and much appreciated.
Benecia, CA
Thanks for everything you've done for me over the years. You've seen me through a couple of generations of pets.
Thank you SO very much! I am happy to report we both slept well last night after our talk with Jacob. What a relief!! I noticed that both Jacob and I felt much more peaceful and relaxed after speaking with you. And although he is still a serious dog, his eyes seemed a lot clearer after our talk. I would like to speak with you about his digestive issues as you said you were also a medical intuitive. So having you to help us with this is a big help. Thank you again Cathy, for your kindness.
Susan and Jacob
Hi Cathy! Just wanted to thank you for a great reading on Wednesday! I feel like I learned a lot and confirmed a lot, too! Life in the house is already better! I didn't know that Madden knew how to sit! I've always had to hold the food over her nose and work it back (like they trained us in puppy classes). However, Wednesday night after our talk, I told her to sit for her dinner and she obeyed on the first try. Thursday was the same!! And Casper hasn't growled at her (that I know of) in the past 2 days either!! Madden also tried playing with Teddi Wednesday night! I had never seen her grab a sock and throw it in the air and run around throwing her butt up into the air!! It was too cute and I can't wait for this thing between Madden and Casper to clear up so that they all can start playing together!! I'm hoping that things will improve a little every day, but as you said, I'm not going to push it!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
Gwen Dossey
Golden Gate Basset Rescue Board Member
I have a puggle that will be 13 in May - he's positive, cuddly and an entertaining dog. His age makes me appreciate every day because I see him slowing down and getting a little weak in his hind legs and our walks are shorter. Cathy sees McGuyver nearly every day and has been a huge part of his life since we adopted him from Pug Pros over 6 years ago. She can tell when he's not having such a good day and also sees his days when he thinks he's a teenager. She advises us on how to deal with his age and possibly age related issues. I really enjoyed this write up because senior dogs come with their own sets of health issues and we are learning patience and what to expect. and - I would not trade any of these magical moments with my little guy. Cathy has taught us not to feel so guilty when we leave the house - we say goodbye, give him a squeeze and we know he will be fine because he always knows we will be back. 
Jan Weiss
Martinez, CA
Dear Cathy, I cannot thank you enough for you support, wisdom, and kindness in and around the challengers of Buster's departure from this plane. It has been a sad time for my family and me, and your assistance and warm heart helped a great deal. I'll be in touch soon when I seek further feline companions. Again, thank you! Warmest regards,
Petaluma, CA
Hi Cathy! I just wanted to say thank you from me and Wiley, for our last session 2 weeks ago! We went to a trial yesterday and he did much better! He started to have some focus issues, but came back to me and his work much quicker! Our really important trial is next weekend and I am hoping for the best!!!
Erin & Wiley
Placerville, CA
Hi Cathy, You’re such an excellent communicator! It’s so nice not to have to ask … what do you mean, can you explain, or that doesn’t make any sense. You’ve combined your incredible knowledge of animal behavior, with your client’s conversation, to provide insight, which means common sense solutions. And for the right situations, you also provide us with confidence and affirmation! That’s such a wonderful gift to give to people!! Thank you for the joy you create through better communication! It is so good to see your services are thriving, along with a beautifully refreshed website!
Kelley & Honeywell
Roseville, CA
Hi Cathy: I really enjoyed our reading with Bodie and I would like to have another one again sometime with you. I was amazed how good you were and knew things only Bodie and I would know. It also gave me great comfort. I wish I had your gift to communicate with him.​
Theresa & Bodie
N. California
Dear Cathy, I just recommended you to a friend from Connecticut, who has done so much for animals, especially ours here, now down to 23. And as I was telling him about you, I was just realizing, and wanted to tell you, how much I appreciate you, what a wonderful, powerful, important difference you have made in my life. Thank you so much, and lots of love your way.
Annie R.
Hi Cathy: I really enjoyed our reading with Bodie and I would like to have another one again sometime with you. I was amazed how good you were and knew things only Bodie and I would know. It also gave me great comfort. I wish I had your gift to communicate with him.​
Linda F
Portland, OR

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