Harnessing the Heart Power of Intuition to Find My New Keeshond Puppy

Yogi Bear and me One thing I learned in 2020 is to be patient, flexible, and above all, trust my intuition. Of the many challenges I faced last year, the worst one was suddenly losing my dog, Bodhi Bear, to stomach cancer in early December 2020. Saying goodbye to my best friend and constant companion’s […]
Support Horses and Farm Animals with Meditation Fundraisers

A hundred years from now, it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was or the car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the lives of the animals & the creatures on this earth. —Unknown One of my life’s purposes is to […]
5 Fabulous Reasons to Meditate with Animals

Meditating with animals is healing for them and you! As pet parents, we do our best to help our animal families to feel safe, loved, and happy. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to share a daily meditation practice with your animal family. While there are many ways to share quality time […]
Animals want you to trust your intuiton

Do you trust your intuition? You should. As the pandemic wears on with no end in sight, we need to trust our gut and inner voice now more than ever to keep us safe. I’m depending on my intuitive senses to help me navigate the new normals that don’t feel normal at all. Animals […]
5 Powerful Ways to Share with Your Heart Animal

Happy Valentine’s Day Bodhi Bear Is Cathy’s Valentine Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love and relationships, including with your animal family. When it comes to unconditional love, no one loves you better than your heart animals. Here are 5 powerful ways to tell your animal you love them: Visualize your hearts connected as you feel […]
The Importance of Being Grounded Practicing Animal Communication and Reiki

Animals sense when we are ungrounded and feel safest when their humans are fully centered and present with them. Bodhi reminds me to stay grounded by tapping his paw on my foot. Being grounded means you are fully present in the here and now which keeps you connected to your animal family, Mother Earth and the Universal […]