5 Powerful Ways to Share with Your Heart Animal

Happy Valentine’s Day Bodhi Bear Is Cathy’s Valentine Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love and relationships, including with your animal family. When it comes to unconditional love, no one loves you better than your heart animals. Here are 5 powerful ways to tell your animal you love them: Visualize your hearts connected as you feel […]
3 Tips to Prepare Your Pets for The Holidays.

Help Your Pet Enjoy the Holiday Season The holidays are upon us, and it’s time to celebrate the joy of the season with family and friends, including your animal family. Unfortunately, the holiday season also means your daily routine may be disrupted, which can create stress and anxiety in your pets. Your pet’s daily rituals […]
A Sunday Hawk Encounter

“A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.” –Paul Simon As I gazed out my living room window on a sunny Sunday morning, a huge bird flew straight towards me. As he got closer to the window, he quickly veered off to the right and landed on my neighbor’s roof. Curious, I […]
What Do Pets Really Want?

If you could give your pet anything in the world, what would it be? A new toy or a favorite treat? A new friend? The Best Present You Can Give Your Pet Is Your Presence. It’s easy to forget your animals want something incredibly simple from you: your undivided attention in a mindful way, even […]
Cockatoo Benefits From Animal Communication and Reiki

After Experiencing A Seizure, Tula the Cockatoo benefitted from Animal Communication and Reiki. Tula is a vivacious, spunky, and stubborn 17-year-old Cockatoo who has severe health challenges including hormonal imbalance and frequent seizures caused by abnormally high zinc levels. Tula’s person, Paula called me to communicate telepathically with Tula as well as offering her Reiki. Paula […]
Rescued Dog Helped with Animal Communication and Reiki After A Stroke

Paralyzed from the Neck Down, Puppy Mill Dog Predicted His Paralysis Was Temporary. Zac the Keeshond’s tale is about how Animal Communication and Reiki can bring hope to an unimaginable situation. His tale shows that animals can predict their recovery when given a “voice.” Zac’s story also speaks to the strength and resilience puppy mill dogs […]
5 Benefits of Animal Communication

Have you ever thought, “I wish I could get answers directly from my pets?” Or “I know my animal is trying to tell me something. But what?” Bodhi Bear Telepathy, which means feeling another soul or spirit over a distance, is the universal language that all species speak including humans and animals. Animal Communicators, like […]
Keeshond Bodhi Is A Bodhisattva

Bodhi Bear stars in his first Bollywood-Themed movie, Bodhi Is A Bodhisattva. So grab some popcorn and enjoy the picture show. . .
Easy Animal Communication Heart Meditation

Do You Live In Your Heart? Did you know all spiritual beings, whether human, animal, plant or mineral, are born with the ability to communicate using the universal language of telepathy Learning Telepathic Animal Communication and Reiki is a life-long journey of self-discovery. The process begins by recognizing how it feels when you focus your awareness […]
Discovering New Creatures Using Telepathy

A lot can be learned from communicating telepathically with different species. For over 30 years, I’ve developed and honed my telepathic skills as an Animal Muse so I can easily and instantly translate what animals are thinking and feeling for humans. In other words, I speak fluent telepathy which helps me to better understand animals […]