Pet Loss Affects Every Aspect of Your Life

The Death of a Pet Is Life Altering and Heart Shattering If you have ever loved a pet, then you know their death can affect every aspect of your life. It can be challenging to conceive of life without your best friend by your side. It can feel even more complicated when you were a […]
Remembering My Animal Muse

KC the Keeshond Will Always Be My Valentine My Animal Muse, KC Valentine’s Day is a bittersweet day for me because it’s my beloved KC the Keeshond’s birthday. I don’t really know when he was born; I rescued KC close to Valentine’s Day in 1993. It seemed fitting that this exceptional dog, who was so […]
Animal Communicator Helps Rabbit Die with Dignity

When my long-time client, Connie called me, I could hear in her voice that something was up and it didn’t sound like it was good news. Through her tears, Connie explained that her rabbit, Carter, wasn’t doing well due to his severe arthritis and several bulging discs. Despite her best efforts to keep Carter comfortable and […]