Pet Loss Affects Every Aspect of Your Life

The Death of a Pet Is Life Altering and Heart Shattering If you have ever loved a pet, then you know their death can affect every aspect of your life. It can be challenging to conceive of life without your best friend by your side. It can feel even more complicated when you were a […]
Hummingbird Haiku

Bursting spring morning A joyous sunrise singing With the hummingbirds –Cathy Malkin
Mustang Musings

I recently attended a gathering that benefited the American Wild Horse Institute (AWHI). AWHI’s mission is to preserve Mustangs and educate people about their plight. Mustang Ambassadors Amore and Sol Horse-crazy since childhood, I was excited to find out there is a Mustang sanctuary located at the base of Mt. Diablo State Park in Walnut Creek, California not far from my home. […]
How Mindful Living Benefits Pets

In a recent blog post, What Do Pets Really Want? I discussed how the best Present you can give your pets is your undivided Presence. Your pets appreciate and benefit when you’re able to sit quietly with them. They understand everyone wins we stay present and centered in mind and body. One way to become […]
Animal Reiki Helps People, Too

“Just as water ripples outward with the drop of a pebble, Reiki flows to exactly where it’s needed for the highest good of all.” ~Cathy Malkin, The Animal Muse As a Reiki Master Practitioner for over ten years, I’m still in awe of the incredible healing power of Reiki. The more I practice Reiki, the more I […]
A Sunday Hawk Encounter

“A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.” –Paul Simon As I gazed out my living room window on a sunny Sunday morning, a huge bird flew straight towards me. As he got closer to the window, he quickly veered off to the right and landed on my neighbor’s roof. Curious, I […]
Do You Talk to Your Pets?

In a recent survey about pets by Mindful Magazine, readers were asked: “Do you talk casually with your pets?” 98% of the respondents answered “yes” to the question. When Mindful readers were asked, “What’s the hardest thing about having a pet?” Two of their top responses were: Not understanding what their pets want or need. Not knowing […]
Cockatoo Benefits From Animal Communication and Reiki

After Experiencing A Seizure, Tula the Cockatoo benefitted from Animal Communication and Reiki. Tula is a vivacious, spunky, and stubborn 17-year-old Cockatoo who has severe health challenges including hormonal imbalance and frequent seizures caused by abnormally high zinc levels. Tula’s person, Paula called me to communicate telepathically with Tula as well as offering her Reiki. Paula […]
Rescued Dog Helped with Animal Communication and Reiki After A Stroke

Paralyzed from the Neck Down, Puppy Mill Dog Predicted His Paralysis Was Temporary. Zac the Keeshond’s tale is about how Animal Communication and Reiki can bring hope to an unimaginable situation. His tale shows that animals can predict their recovery when given a “voice.” Zac’s story also speaks to the strength and resilience puppy mill dogs […]
Oak Tree Muse

Trees are wise teachers and poets. These grounded Spirits spiral upward toward the heavens as their branches spread like an umbrella offering shelter to any one who happens by. I credit Trees for playing a significant role in the development of my telepathic and Reiki skills. When I began learning Reik many years ago, I […]