Harnessing the Heart Power of Intuition to Find My New Keeshond Puppy

Yogi Bear and me One thing I learned in 2020 is to be patient, flexible, and above all, trust my intuition. Of the many challenges I faced last year, the worst one was suddenly losing my dog, Bodhi Bear, to stomach cancer in early December 2020. Saying goodbye to my best friend and constant companion’s […]
Support Horses and Farm Animals with Meditation Fundraisers

A hundred years from now, it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was or the car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the lives of the animals & the creatures on this earth. —Unknown One of my life’s purposes is to […]
How to Nourish Your Animal’s Spirit

Meditation with Animals, Animal Communication, and Animal Reiki Feed Animals’ Souls Animals are multi-dimensional spiritual beings. When we consciously nourish their souls with meditation, animals benefit in all aspects of their lives. Meditation is a simple yet potent way to feed your animal’s spirit. When we meditate with them, it brings peace, balance, and healing. It […]
Heart Hugs Help You and Your Pet

Strengthening your heart connection will help you and your pets through these challenging times. TTouch Heart Hugs are an easy way to connect your heart with your animal family. As we adjust to the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, our animal families are calling upon us to take good care of ourselves. If we […]
How Mindful Living Benefits Pets

In a recent blog post, What Do Pets Really Want? I discussed how the best Present you can give your pets is your undivided Presence. Your pets appreciate and benefit when you’re able to sit quietly with them. They understand everyone wins we stay present and centered in mind and body. One way to become […]
What Do Pets Really Want?

If you could give your pet anything in the world, what would it be? A new toy or a favorite treat? A new friend? The Best Present You Can Give Your Pet Is Your Presence. It’s easy to forget your animals want something incredibly simple from you: your undivided attention in a mindful way, even […]