5 Fabulous Reasons to Meditate with Animals

Meditating with animals is healing for them and you! As pet parents, we do our best to help our animal families to feel safe, loved, and happy. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to share a daily meditation practice with your animal family. While there are many ways to share quality time […]
5 COVID-19 Survival Tips for You and Your Pet

Together, We Will Get Through The Covid-19 Pandemic.
Dogs Benefit from Animal Communication and Reiki

Luigi and Pierre I recently met with seven-year-old littermates, Luigi and Pierre. Their parents, Donna and Ned, wanted to better understand their dogs’ behavior and health, so they scheduled an in-person Animal Communication and Reiki session. Donna shared the following, My husband, dog, and I met Cathy at an art event awhile ago. She read […]
Sharing Reiki with Horses

Equine Reiki Day at Cadence Farm From the time I was a toddler, I’ve been horse-crazy. I started riding when I was six and was blessed to have a pony in my backyard when I was nine years old. Being around horses, especially sharing Reiki with them, opens my heart and heals my soul. When […]
A Magical Dog Tail In the Cycle of Life

Here’s a Magical Dog Tail that speaks to the interconnections in the cycle of life. I recently re-took a couple of Animal Reiki classes with Kathleen Prasad to deepen my Animal Reiki knowledge and learn her Let Animals Lead® Method. The workshops were held at Lily’s Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary, which is dedicated to the […]
Animal Reiki using the Let Animals Lead® Method

Last weekend, I had the honor and pleasure to re-take Animal Reiki Level 1 with Animal Reiki Pioneer, Kathleen Prasad at Lily’s Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary in bucolic Petaluma, California. Kathleen Prasad and me at Lily’s Legacy I first studied with Kathleen in 2007 and became an Animal Reiki Teacher and Practitioner in 2008. It […]
9 Successful Ways to Reduce Your Pet’s Stress

Are you feeling stressed out? Are you worried and anxious? In these uncertain times, you must take care of yourself because your stress affects your animal family. Bruce tends to worry a lot. If you’re feeling worried, anxious, or stressed, then there’s a good chance your animal family is also feeling stress, worry, and anxiety. […]