Harnessing the Heart Power of Intuition to Find My New Keeshond Puppy

Yogi Bear and me One thing I learned in 2020 is to be patient, flexible, and above all, trust my intuition. Of the many challenges I faced last year, the worst one was suddenly losing my dog, Bodhi Bear, to stomach cancer in early December 2020. Saying goodbye to my best friend and constant companion’s […]

Remembering My Animal Muse

KC the Keeshond Will Always Be My Valentine My Animal Muse, KC Valentine’s Day is a bittersweet day for me because it’s my beloved KC the Keeshond’s birthday. I don’t really know when he was born; I rescued KC close to Valentine’s Day in 1993. It seemed fitting that this exceptional dog, who was so […]

Rescued Dog Helped with Animal Communication and Reiki After A Stroke

Paralyzed from the Neck Down, Puppy Mill Dog Predicted His Paralysis Was Temporary. Zac the Keeshond’s tale is about how Animal Communication and Reiki can bring hope to an unimaginable situation.  His tale shows that animals can predict their recovery when given a “voice.” Zac’s story also speaks to the strength and resilience puppy mill dogs […]

Keeshond Bodhi Is A Bodhisattva

Bodhi Bear stars in his first Bollywood-Themed movie, Bodhi Is A Bodhisattva.  So grab some popcorn and enjoy the picture show. . . 

Bodhi’s Fuzzy Birthday Party

Bodhi is reunited with his Keeshonden friends, Eli and Harvey, to celebrate Bodhi’s 4th Birthday. Bodhi Bear Is A Paw-ty Animal! As I mentioned in my last blog post, I love celebrating my dog’s birthday. This year is no exception. Now 4 years old, Bodhi is quite popular, so I need to have few parties […]

Celebrating Bodhi the Keeshond’s Birthday

Do You Celebrate Your Pet’s Birthday or GotchYa Day? My Keeshond and Birthday Boy, Bodhi Bear  I do. I love showing my animal family how much I love them by celebrating their Birthdays and GotchYa Day each year.  Okay, maybe I take it a bit far giving Bodhi a few parties but he’s worth it. […]

Animal Communication and Reiki Are A Powerful Combination

It’s never easy when a beloved pet doesn’t feel well, especially when it’s chronic or life-threatening. It can be an anxious and upsetting time for both the caregiver and animal. Worst of all, it can bring up feelings of hopelessness, fear, and stress. When Animal Communication and Reiki are combined, they create an amazing healing fusion of […]

Animal Communication and Reiki Brings Hope to Dying Dog

When combined, telepathic Animal Communication and Reiki form a wonderful partnership that can help animals in remarkable ways. Hearing your pet’s “voice” and offering Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) allows you to work in cooperation with your companion animal as well as bringing hope despite a terminal prognosis. A good example of how Animal Communication and Animal […]

Celebrating Pets’ Birthdays and Gotcha Days

If you’re anything like me, than you enjoy celebrating your pet’s birthdays. I also like to celebrate “Gotcha Day,” which is the day I brought my two cats, Mona Marie and Elvis, home from the animal shelter. Coincidently, Bodhi Bear came home on the exact same date as the cats, albeit 12 years later. Every […]

Dog Friendships In The Circle of Life

3 years ago yesterday, I said goodbye to my dear friend and heart dog, Kobe Bear.  Despite being able to communicate with him telepathically, I continue to miss my Puff Doggy terribly. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about him or talk with him.  Kobe Bear The only good thing that […]

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5 animal Communication Tips for Pet Parents

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