Support Horses and Farm Animals with Meditation Fundraisers

A hundred years from now, it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was or the car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the lives of the animals & the creatures on this earth. —Unknown One of my life’s purposes is to […]
Animals want you to trust your intuiton

Do you trust your intuition? You should. As the pandemic wears on with no end in sight, we need to trust our gut and inner voice now more than ever to keep us safe. I’m depending on my intuitive senses to help me navigate the new normals that don’t feel normal at all. Animals […]
Spiritual and Holistic Explorers Support You and Your Pets During Pandemic

The Council of Spiritual and Holistic Explorers met on March 31, 2020, as we entered the third week of the Shelter-At-Home Health directive and practicing physical distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was honored to be a part of this diverse group of healing practitioners, which has over 250 years of combined experience helping […]
5 COVID-19 Survival Tips for You and Your Pet

Together, We Will Get Through The Covid-19 Pandemic.
Animal Communication Should Be Simple and Easy

5 Tips to Keep In Mind When Learning Animal Communication
3 Tips to Prepare Your Pets for The Holidays.

Help Your Pet Enjoy the Holiday Season The holidays are upon us, and it’s time to celebrate the joy of the season with family and friends, including your animal family. Unfortunately, the holiday season also means your daily routine may be disrupted, which can create stress and anxiety in your pets. Your pet’s daily rituals […]
How Animal Reiki Differs From Animal Communication

Are you confused about the differences between an Animal Reiki treatment and an Animal Communication consult? If you are, you’re not alone. These days, many professional Animal Communicators, like myself, also practice Animal Reiki and vice versa. It’s beneficial to understand the differences between these individual healing modalities, the role of each practitioner, and why […]
Sharing Reiki with Horses

Equine Reiki Day at Cadence Farm From the time I was a toddler, I’ve been horse-crazy. I started riding when I was six and was blessed to have a pony in my backyard when I was nine years old. Being around horses, especially sharing Reiki with them, opens my heart and heals my soul. When […]
Pet Loss Affects Every Aspect of Your Life

The Death of a Pet Is Life Altering and Heart Shattering If you have ever loved a pet, then you know their death can affect every aspect of your life. It can be challenging to conceive of life without your best friend by your side. It can feel even more complicated when you were a […]
Animals Appreciate Being Heard and Understood

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. –Chief Seattle Norwegian Horse Using A Symbol Board All animals, including horses, know how to communicate with humans using the universal language […]