Animal Reiki Helps People, Too

“Just as water ripples outward with the drop of a pebble, Reiki flows to exactly where it’s needed for the highest good of all.”   ~Cathy Malkin, The Animal Muse As a Reiki Master Practitioner for over ten years, I’m still in awe of the incredible healing power of Reiki. The more I practice Reiki, the more I […]

Reiki Helps Dog with Cancer

Reiki helped Australian Shepherd, Sparky, cope and deal with life-threatening Lymphoma.  A few years ago, when my Animal Reiki teacher, Kathleen Prasad, put out the call for stories to include in her book about how Reiki helps dogs, I jumped at the opportunity to share Sparky’s story.  Now In Spirit, Sparky taught me about the […]

Animal Reiki Helps Dying Dog

Cathy with Kobe Bear For animals who are dying, Reiki is an especially powerful, yet gentle tool, to offer your pets and other animals as they go through hospice and the dying process. Reiki is pure love and therefore offers animals loving support. It helps all species relax, which calms them from pain, fear, and […]

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