Hummingbird Haiku

Bursting spring morning A joyous sunrise singing With the hummingbirds –Cathy Malkin

Animals Appreciate Being Heard and Understood

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.  –Chief Seattle Norwegian Horse Using A Symbol Board All animals, including horses, know how to communicate with humans using the universal language […]

Remembering My Animal Muse

KC the Keeshond Will Always Be My Valentine My Animal Muse, KC Valentine’s Day is a bittersweet day for me because it’s my beloved KC the Keeshond’s birthday. I don’t really know when he was born; I rescued KC close to Valentine’s Day in 1993. It seemed fitting that this exceptional dog, who was so […]

The Gift of Sharing Your Heart with Animals

This holiday season give your animals the gift of love, peace, and joy by opening your heart chakra, which is where Animal Communication and Reiki originate. The heart chakra* is the pathway that connects you with your true spiritual nature and all living beings in the web of life. It’s through the heart, located in […]

A Sunday Hawk Encounter

 “A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.”   –Paul Simon As I gazed out my living room window on a sunny Sunday morning, a huge bird flew straight towards me. As he got closer to the window, he quickly veered off to the right and landed on my neighbor’s roof. Curious, I […]

What Do Pets Really Want?

If you could give your pet anything in the world, what would it be? A new toy or a favorite treat? A new friend? The Best Present You Can Give Your Pet Is Your Presence.  It’s easy to forget your animals want something incredibly simple from you: your undivided attention in a mindful way, even […]

Cockatoo Benefits From Animal Communication and Reiki

After Experiencing A Seizure, Tula the Cockatoo benefitted from Animal Communication and Reiki.  Tula is a vivacious, spunky, and stubborn 17-year-old Cockatoo who has severe health challenges including hormonal imbalance and frequent seizures caused by abnormally high zinc levels. Tula’s person, Paula called me to communicate telepathically with Tula as well as offering her Reiki. Paula […]

Animals and Gratitude

“If having a soul means to be able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”                                           – James Herriot Animals Express Love and Gratitude Daily Animals […]

9 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween can be one of the scariest and most dangerous days of the year for your pets.  Minion Pug It can be upsetting and disorienting for your pets when humans transform themselves and their animals into unworldly beings like ghosts, Minions, Rocky, or Super Woman,  And when pets get spooked by ghosts and goblins, they tend […]

What Does A Tree Witness in a Year?

Have you ever wondered what a tree sees and experiences in its lifetime? Trees are grounded spiritual beings who hold ancient wisdom from observing the cycles of life. They are open-hearted enjoy helping others like birds, wildlife, and insects. These wise teachers love sharing their knowledge and they can be quite poetic. A tree once […]

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5 animal Communication Tips for Pet Parents

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