Reiki Eases Dog’s Anxiety Before Ultrasound

Jamie, an 11-year-old Samoyed, was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2021. Since then, he’s received two liver chemoembolization, successfully treating his cancer. Every 4 months, Jamie travels 4 hours to the veterinary hospital to receive follow-up tests like CT scans, ultrasounds, and blood work. These visits are stressful for Jamie, especially since he needs to […]
Reiki Helps Shelter Animals

This month, the Connecticut Humane Society (CHS) chose to spotlight my volunteer work as an animal Reiki practitioner at their Westport shelter. I’m grateful to this progressive animal welfare organization for recognizing how sharing animal Reiki and animal communication helps ease shelter animals’ stress, fear, and anxiety. It also helps animals to feel safe and […]
Harnessing the Heart Power of Intuition to Find My New Keeshond Puppy

Yogi Bear and me One thing I learned in 2020 is to be patient, flexible, and above all, trust my intuition. Of the many challenges I faced last year, the worst one was suddenly losing my dog, Bodhi Bear, to stomach cancer in early December 2020. Saying goodbye to my best friend and constant companion’s […]
Support Horses and Farm Animals with Meditation Fundraisers

A hundred years from now, it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was or the car I drove…but the world may be different because I was important in the lives of the animals & the creatures on this earth. —Unknown One of my life’s purposes is to […]
How to Nourish Your Animal’s Spirit

Meditation with Animals, Animal Communication, and Animal Reiki Feed Animals’ Souls Animals are multi-dimensional spiritual beings. When we consciously nourish their souls with meditation, animals benefit in all aspects of their lives. Meditation is a simple yet potent way to feed your animal’s spirit. When we meditate with them, it brings peace, balance, and healing. It […]
Animals want you to trust your intuiton

Do you trust your intuition? You should. As the pandemic wears on with no end in sight, we need to trust our gut and inner voice now more than ever to keep us safe. I’m depending on my intuitive senses to help me navigate the new normals that don’t feel normal at all. Animals […]
Spiritual and Holistic Explorers Support You and Your Pets During Pandemic

The Council of Spiritual and Holistic Explorers met on March 31, 2020, as we entered the third week of the Shelter-At-Home Health directive and practicing physical distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I was honored to be a part of this diverse group of healing practitioners, which has over 250 years of combined experience helping […]
Heart Hugs Help You and Your Pet

Strengthening your heart connection will help you and your pets through these challenging times. TTouch Heart Hugs are an easy way to connect your heart with your animal family. As we adjust to the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, our animal families are calling upon us to take good care of ourselves. If we […]
5 COVID-19 Survival Tips for You and Your Pet

Together, We Will Get Through The Covid-19 Pandemic.
Dogs Benefit from Animal Communication and Reiki

Luigi and Pierre I recently met with seven-year-old littermates, Luigi and Pierre. Their parents, Donna and Ned, wanted to better understand their dogs’ behavior and health, so they scheduled an in-person Animal Communication and Reiki session. Donna shared the following, My husband, dog, and I met Cathy at an art event awhile ago. She read […]