Reiki Helps Dog with Cancer

Reiki helped Australian Shepherd, Sparky, cope and deal with life-threatening Lymphoma.  A few years ago, when my Animal Reiki teacher, Kathleen Prasad, put out the call for stories to include in her book about how Reiki helps dogs, I jumped at the opportunity to share Sparky’s story.  Now In Spirit, Sparky taught me about the […]

Dog Friendships In The Circle of Life

3 years ago yesterday, I said goodbye to my dear friend and heart dog, Kobe Bear.  Despite being able to communicate with him telepathically, I continue to miss my Puff Doggy terribly. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about him or talk with him.  Kobe Bear The only good thing that […]

104 year old Tortoise Talks About His Life

As an Animal Communicator, I love communicating telepathically with all species. I generally speak to pets like dogs, cats, horses, and rabbits, so it’s a special treat to talk with less common pets, like Grandpa the Tortoise.   Grandpa dining on hibiscus At 104 years old, Grandpa is the oldest animal and living being I’ve […]

Animal Reiki Helps Dying Dog

Cathy with Kobe Bear For animals who are dying, Reiki is an especially powerful, yet gentle tool, to offer your pets and other animals as they go through hospice and the dying process. Reiki is pure love and therefore offers animals loving support. It helps all species relax, which calms them from pain, fear, and […]

Pet MatchMaker Find Me A Pet!

Are you thinking about bringing a new pet into your household? Are you feeling overwhelmed especially if you’re using the Internet to find your next pet?   Did you know that I’m a “Pet Matchmaker?“  I can help you find your next pet even from the Internet? One of the joys of my animal communication practice […]

5 Animal Communication Tips

Has your animal been staring at you? Do you feel like she has something to communicate with you?  MacGuyver the Puggle loves to communicate telepathically. Animal Communication is a telepathic connection between people and animals. It’s different than verbal or physical communication because it’s done silently. All beings, including humans and animals, are animated by Spirit, and […]

Do You Have a “Heart Animal?”

The other day, I was talking with a client who had recently lost her beloved Chihuahua, Bella. As I communicated with her beautiful dog In Spirit, I asked my client, “Bella was your ‘Heart Dog,’ wasn’t she?” My client tearfully replied, “I have never heard of the term, ‘Heart Dog.‘  But now that you say […]

Reiki Helps Dog with Bee Sting

A couple of Sundays ago, I saw my neighbor Kevin running frantically towards my house with his dog cradled in his arms. The look on Kevin’s face told me something serious had happened to his Cavalier King Charles, Gigi. As I quickly opened my front door, Kevin told me that while Gigi was sniffing around […]

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5 animal Communication Tips for Pet Parents

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