Animal Reiki Helps People, Too

“Just as water ripples outward with the drop of a pebble, Reiki flows to exactly where it’s needed for the highest good of all.”   ~Cathy Malkin, The Animal Muse As a Reiki Master Practitioner for over ten years, I’m still in awe of the incredible healing power of Reiki. The more I practice Reiki, the more I […]

A Sunday Hawk Encounter

 “A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.”   –Paul Simon As I gazed out my living room window on a sunny Sunday morning, a huge bird flew straight towards me. As he got closer to the window, he quickly veered off to the right and landed on my neighbor’s roof. Curious, I […]

Do You Talk to Your Pets?

In a recent survey about pets by Mindful Magazine, readers were asked: “Do you talk casually with your pets?”  98% of the respondents answered “yes” to the question. When Mindful readers were asked,  “What’s the hardest thing about having a pet?”  Two of their top responses were: Not understanding what their pets want or need. Not knowing […]

What Do Pets Really Want?

If you could give your pet anything in the world, what would it be? A new toy or a favorite treat? A new friend? The Best Present You Can Give Your Pet Is Your Presence.  It’s easy to forget your animals want something incredibly simple from you: your undivided attention in a mindful way, even […]

Cockatoo Benefits From Animal Communication and Reiki

After Experiencing A Seizure, Tula the Cockatoo benefitted from Animal Communication and Reiki.  Tula is a vivacious, spunky, and stubborn 17-year-old Cockatoo who has severe health challenges including hormonal imbalance and frequent seizures caused by abnormally high zinc levels. Tula’s person, Paula called me to communicate telepathically with Tula as well as offering her Reiki. Paula […]

Animals and Gratitude

“If having a soul means to be able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”                                           – James Herriot Animals Express Love and Gratitude Daily Animals […]

Rescued Dog Helped with Animal Communication and Reiki After A Stroke

Paralyzed from the Neck Down, Puppy Mill Dog Predicted His Paralysis Was Temporary. Zac the Keeshond’s tale is about how Animal Communication and Reiki can bring hope to an unimaginable situation.  His tale shows that animals can predict their recovery when given a “voice.” Zac’s story also speaks to the strength and resilience puppy mill dogs […]

Should I Dress My Pet for Halloween?

Just like people, some pets like to dress up in clothing and hats.  Most animals prefer you don’t anthropomorphize them by making them wear human outfits.  You should only put a costume on your pet if they are comfortable with the idea. Out of respect for your pets’ feelings and well-being, it’s key you honor their wishes […]

9 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween can be one of the scariest and most dangerous days of the year for your pets.  Minion Pug It can be upsetting and disorienting for your pets when humans transform themselves and their animals into unworldly beings like ghosts, Minions, Rocky, or Super Woman,  And when pets get spooked by ghosts and goblins, they tend […]

9 Successful Ways to Reduce Your Pet’s Stress

Are you feeling stressed out? Are you worried and anxious? In these uncertain times, you must take care of yourself because your stress affects your animal family. Bruce tends to worry a lot. If you’re feeling worried, anxious, or stressed, then there’s a good chance your animal family is also feeling stress, worry, and anxiety. […]

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5 animal Communication Tips for Pet Parents

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