Conversations with a Parrot

As an animal communicator, my job is to translate pets’ thoughts, feelings, and viewpoints so their people can better understand them. I communicate with animals using the silent language of telepathy, which means feeling another soul or spirit over a distance. I use verbal language with humans. Ziggy I recently spoke with a longtime client, […]
Animals want you to trust your intuiton

Do you trust your intuition? You should. As the pandemic wears on with no end in sight, we need to trust our gut and inner voice now more than ever to keep us safe. I’m depending on my intuitive senses to help me navigate the new normals that don’t feel normal at all. Animals […]
Do You Talk to Your Pets?

In a recent survey about pets by Mindful Magazine, readers were asked: “Do you talk casually with your pets?” 98% of the respondents answered “yes” to the question. When Mindful readers were asked, “What’s the hardest thing about having a pet?” Two of their top responses were: Not understanding what their pets want or need. Not knowing […]