This past fall, I taught a Reiki class at Rising Starr Horse Rescue (RSHR) in New Caanan, CT, to help their horses heal from trauma, abuse, and neglect.
RSHR’s rescued horses often arrive confused, afraid, malnourished, and shut down. Sharing Reiki with these courageous beings helped them feel safe, honored, and loved.
The class shared Reiki with all the horses at RSHR. However, Samson and Goliath came forward to demonstrate how easily and quickly animals respond to the heart energy of Reiki.
When we arrived outside Samson and Goliath’s paddock, both horses were distressed by the biting flies and didn’t acknowledge the group’s presence. In less than 2 minutes, both enthusiastically trotted to the fence where we were standing, ignoring the flies.

In the video, you see the group doing a standing Reiki meditation outside Samson and Goliath’s paddock (Goliath isn’t in the video).
Sharing Reiki with animals isn’t a one-way street. As you can see in the video, Samson shared Reiki with the class, blessing them with his loving kindness.
Although you can’t see Goliath, he laid down on the ground and rolled over, which is a vulnerable position for a horse. At that moment, he communicated how much he enjoyed receiving Reiki and felt safe.
The group’s compassionate presence showed these brave horses that they could trust humans again, giving them a brighter future.
When I teach Reiki with Animals and Animal Communication, I recognize that the ones teaching are the animals and facilitate their teachings and wisdom.
I’m grateful to horse teachers Samson and Goliath and the rest of the RSHR herd, who showed us how in tune they are with Reiki.