Heart Hugs Help You and Your Pet

Strengthening your heart connection will help you and your pets through these challenging times. 

TTouch Heart Hugs are an easy way to connect your heart with your animal family.

As we adjust to the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic, our animal families are calling upon us to take good care of ourselves. If we don’t, then we won’t be able to take good care of them. 
One of the challenges we are experiencing to stem the tide of the pandemic is practicing physical and distancing to protect ourselves and our loved ones. It’s hard being isolated. Thank goodness we don’t have social distancing with our animal families.

Animals feel an excellent way to cope with social distancing is to be in your heart center. One way to access your heart chakra is to give yourself and animal a TTouch Heart Hug. Created by Linda Tellington-Jones, TTouch is a system of gentle circular touches that activate the body’s potential at a cellular level.

Heart hugs are an excellent way to say to yourself, “I love you.” 

TTouch Heart Hugs will help you feel:

  • Calm and centered;
  • Balanced;
  • Less anxious and fearful;
  • Loved;
  • Connected to your animal family, loved ones, Mother Earth and the Universe.

How to do a TTouch Heart Hug:

Step 1: First, notice how you feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in this present moment before you give yourself or animal a heart hug.

Step 2: Place your hand over the other with palms face down on your heart center, located in the middle of your chest.

Step 3: Imagine that there is a clock face on your chest underneath your palms.  Twelve o’clock is at the top. Nine o’clock is your right shoulder, and three o’clock is your left shoulder. Six o’clock is located towards the ground at the bottom of the circle.

Step 4: Begin your circle with your hands at twelve o’clock, then gently move your hands over your heart chakra, creating a full circle plus add an additional quarter turn. It doesn’t matter which direction you do your Heart Hugs; just go in the direction which feels best to you, whether it’s clockwise or counterclockwise.

Step 5: Pause your hands over your heart center and take a couple of deep breaths before starting another circle. Offer yourself and your animal as many heart hugs as you need.

The more love and care you give yourself, the more love and care you can give to your animal and others. I encourage you to give yourself and your animal Heart Hugs often.

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Hi, I'm Cathy

Animal Musings are my stories about talking with animals telepathically and sharing animal Reiki.

I’m passionate about helping animals and humans create mutual understanding and respect with my experience and knowledge as an Animal Communicator, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Humane Educator. 

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