Do You Talk to Your Pets?

In a recent survey about pets by Mindful Magazine, readers were asked:

“Do you talk casually with your pets?” 

98% of the respondents answered “yes” to the question.

When Mindful readers were asked, 

“What’s the hardest thing about having a pet?” 

Two of their top responses were:

  • Not understanding what their pets want or need.
  • Not knowing what their pets are thinking.

These answers suggest it’s easier to talk with your pets than it is to listen to them. 

Animals want to be heard and understood just like humans.

It’s frustrating for pets when they don’t feel understood. Plus misunderstandings can lead to unwanted behavioral and emotional issues like inappropriate peeing or increased anxiety. A professional Animal Communicator, like myself, can help eliminate these problems by giving animals a “voice” so they can share their hearts and minds. 

Clear, open communication creates a deeper bond with your pets. Mindful listening conveys to your pets how much you love, honor, and respect them which makes them happy, healthy, and more balanced. 

One way to develop Mindful Listening Skills with your pets is to spend at least 5 minutes daily (the more time, the better) sitting quietly feeling all the love you have in your heart for your animal family. Invite your animal family to join you. Sit with this feeling for at least 5 minutes. If you find your thoughts wandering, take a deep breath and gently return your focus back to your heart center.

Doing this simple exercise will open the door to mindful talking and listening to animals.

Are you having trouble communicating with your pets? 

Want to know what your pet is thinking and feeling? 

Empower your pets and make them happy by giving them a “voice” with my assistance.

Email me or use the contact form below to schedule a phone session to talk with your animal family.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Cathy

Animal Musings are my stories about talking with animals telepathically and sharing animal Reiki.

I’m passionate about helping animals and humans create mutual understanding and respect with my experience and knowledge as an Animal Communicator, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Humane Educator. 

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