Animals and Gratitude

“If having a soul means to be able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.” – James Herriot Animals Express Love and Gratitude Daily Animals […]
Should I Dress My Pet for Halloween?

Just like people, some pets like to dress up in clothing and hats. Most animals prefer you don’t anthropomorphize them by making them wear human outfits. You should only put a costume on your pet if they are comfortable with the idea. Out of respect for your pets’ feelings and well-being, it’s key you honor their wishes […]
9 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween can be one of the scariest and most dangerous days of the year for your pets. Minion Pug It can be upsetting and disorienting for your pets when humans transform themselves and their animals into unworldly beings like ghosts, Minions, Rocky, or Super Woman, And when pets get spooked by ghosts and goblins, they tend […]
9 Successful Ways to Reduce Your Pet’s Stress

Are you feeling stressed out? Are you worried and anxious? In these uncertain times, you must take care of yourself because your stress affects your animal family. Bruce tends to worry a lot. If you’re feeling worried, anxious, or stressed, then there’s a good chance your animal family is also feeling stress, worry, and anxiety. […]
Oak Tree Muse

Trees are wise teachers and poets. These grounded Spirits spiral upward toward the heavens as their branches spread like an umbrella offering shelter to any one who happens by. I credit Trees for playing a significant role in the development of my telepathic and Reiki skills. When I began learning Reik many years ago, I […]
What Does A Tree Witness in a Year?

Have you ever wondered what a tree sees and experiences in its lifetime? Trees are grounded spiritual beings who hold ancient wisdom from observing the cycles of life. They are open-hearted enjoy helping others like birds, wildlife, and insects. These wise teachers love sharing their knowledge and they can be quite poetic. A tree once […]
Coyote Morning Wisdom

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. –John Muir I love being out in Nature. It reduces my stress because it’s the one place I can go that makes sense especially in this fast-paced, crazy world we live in. Disconnecting from my phone, computer, and other electronic stimuli allow me […]
Keeshond Bodhi Is A Bodhisattva

Bodhi Bear stars in his first Bollywood-Themed movie, Bodhi Is A Bodhisattva. So grab some popcorn and enjoy the picture show. . .
Bodhi Celebrates His Birthday with Girlfriends

Bodhi’s Birthday Paw-ty with his girlfriends is a huge success! Bodhi with special friend Sabrina Renee It’s hard to believe that my Puff Doggy, Bodhi Bear is 4 years old already. Boy time seems to fly by way too fast. To celebrate Bodhi’s birthday this year, I thought it would be fun for him to spend time […]
Bodhi’s Fuzzy Birthday Party

Bodhi is reunited with his Keeshonden friends, Eli and Harvey, to celebrate Bodhi’s 4th Birthday. Bodhi Bear Is A Paw-ty Animal! As I mentioned in my last blog post, I love celebrating my dog’s birthday. This year is no exception. Now 4 years old, Bodhi is quite popular, so I need to have few parties […]