
7 Guiding Principles of Animal Communication

People and animals are all born with the ability to communicate telepathically.
Yet, many find it challenging to speak this universal language, especially with their animal companions.

Here are 7 guiding principles to help you reconnect with your natural ability to communicate using the universal language of telepathy. 

Principle #1: The first step is to believe in your natural ability to send and receive telepathic communication. If you don’t believe in your telepathic capabilities or you don’t feel telepathic communication is possible, then you automatically block and prevent animal communication from happening.

Principle #2: Nurture a positive attitude. Practice appreciation and admiration for animals’ spiritual qualities, such as love, trust, kindness, joy, and honesty. Increasing positive emotions generates heartfelt feelings, leading to more understanding, compassion, and enhanced communication with animals.

Principle #3: Animals welcome and are drawn to peaceful and calm energy. Learn to be quietly present with animals. By cultivating peaceful and positive emotions, you become a natural attractant. When you quiet your mind of its endless chatter, you will become more receptive to hearing animals. Meditating with your animals is a great way to co-create calm, peaceful and heart-connected energy together.

Principle #4: Be mindful of projecting your thoughts, emotions, and feelings onto animals, Projections are disruptive and disturbing for animals. If an animal feels overwhelmed with strong feelings, it can block two-way communication. When you project strong feelings and emotions onto animals, you’ll receive your own projections back instead of the animal’s actual response to your connection.

Principle #5: Let go of any expectations you may have in what animals tell you. Expectations and attachments block telepathic communication and muddle what you receive. Requiring animals to respond in a certain way, like needing an animal to show affection before, during, or after you communicate with them, can obstruct their viewpoints. It also blocks your ability to receive the animal’s telepathic communication.

Principle #6: Be open to receiving whatever the animal wants to share with you by letting go of any preconceived notions and expectations you might have. Remain open and receptive and allow animals to have their own perspectives, which can be surprising and refreshing.

Principle #7: Telepathy originates from the heart-center located in the center of your chest instead of the mind. While interpreting what animals communicate takes our minds, telepathic communication is sent heart to heart.

Animals are more willing to engage in two-way animal communication when we are calm, peaceful, and have a positive attitude. That’s why it’s important to practice communicating telepathically frequently with a wide variety of species to remember and retain fluency.

The more you consciously practice telepathic communication with different species and Nature, the easier it will be for you to recognize and trust your telepathic abilities.

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Hi, I'm Cathy

Animal Musings are my stories about talking with animals telepathically and sharing animal Reiki.

I’m passionate about helping animals and humans create mutual understanding and respect with my experience and knowledge as an Animal Communicator, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Humane Educator. 

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