5 Benefits of Animal Communication

Have you ever thought, “I wish I could get answers directly from my pets?”

Or “I know my animal is trying to tell me something. But what?”

Bodhi Bear

Telepathy, which means feeling another soul or spirit over a distance, is the universal language that all species speak including humans and animals. Animal Communicators, like myself, interpret animals’ thoughts, feelings, and viewpoints using the telepathic connection.

Animal Communication empowers your pets by giving them a “voice” so they can share their thoughts, feelings, and viewpoints with you,

Communicating telepathically with your pets brings many rewards including letting them know how much you love, care, and respect them.

Here are 5 Benefits of Telepathic Animal Communication:

  • Animal Communication allows you to make decisions and work in partnership with your animals instead of second-guessing what they may be thinking or want. It empowers animals when they can have a say in the decisions that affect them like if they want a new animal friend or end-of-life decisions.
  • Telepathic Animal Communication can clear up misunderstandings and miscommunications that can lead to unwanted issues and problems like separation anxiety or inappropriate bathroom behaviors.
  • As teachers and healers, pets welcome the opportunity to share their wisdom and offer guidance.
  • Gives you a chance to share your heart with your pet creating mutual understanding, harmony, trust, and love.
  • Animals feel loved when their voices are heard and understood. 


Interested in talking with your pets during an Animal Communication session? Give me a call at 925-671-9208 or email me.

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Hi, I'm Cathy

Animal Musings are my stories about talking with animals telepathically and sharing animal Reiki.

I’m passionate about helping animals and humans create mutual understanding and respect with my experience and knowledge as an Animal Communicator, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Humane Educator. 

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